Lily of the Valley

Tethys Rainflower. Here for a good time-- gods willing, a long one, too. Formerly a pirate, now a collector of stories and "repurposed" miscellanies. Carrd is WIP, so thank you for your patience! Screenshots by a friend.

Summary & Hooks

At-a-glance details and a few easy ways to interact with my character!


A more in depth look at my character's history - you might prefer to avoid reading if you'd like to learn this information through roleplay!

OoC Info

Just a few little notes about the writer.

Summary & Hooks

Name: Tethys Rainflower
Other names: Maeja Dei-Ijla, Riverbite
Age: Apparently young adult.
Height: 72.1 ilms (6')
Body type: Lithe & lightly muscled
Laterality: Ambidextrous
Pronouns: They/them
Orientation: Bisexual
Nameday: 6th Umbral Moon, 10th Sun (December 10th, Sagittarius)
Other things to note: Their speech pattern often shifts erratically. Has a brand on the upper right shoulder blade. Seems to have an endless amount of random junk on them at any given time, and always seems willing to part with it in exchange for a good story. Falls in love like crazy. Not an assassin*. At home in crowds.
🌺↣Have a great time and be happy, no matter what
🌺↣And maybe, just maybe, make others happy along the way.
You might know my character, or of them, if:
🌺↣You have been to the Mystical Raven, where they work as an entertainer
🌺↣You spend a lot of time in taverns
🌺↣You frequent popular camping spots along the roads
🌺↣You have history at sea
Usual locales:
🌺↣The Black Shroud
🌺↣La Noscea


Tethys was born in the village of Dei-Ijla to a mother possessed of intense wanderlust. She had secretly ventured forth from the Wood in the past, but shortly after they were born, she left with them to travel more permanently. She ended up joining a pirate crew during her journeys known as the Ragged Crows. At around the age of 11, they took the name Riverbite and joined their first active battle. They learned to use every asset they had to their advantage, and even to turn some disadvantages to their favour.Life continued through the next 13 years, and though their odd little family changed often, they were among the few not chomping at the bit to be off the filthy ship when the opportunity arose. As hard as the living was, it was their home-- their world. They grew acquainted with little tricks to make repairs go smoother and developed unusual battle tactics, all aided in no small part by the advantage of a body born to be flexible and swift.One day, tragedy struck-- although, perhaps, inevitably. The Ragged Crows were utterly destroyed in combat with a rival crew, and Riverbite was one of only a handful of survivors. Rather than killed, they were sold off-- despite being among the most senior of the crew (and indeed, being the eldest of those captured), their youthful appearance earned pity and spared their life in the end.It would be about 14 years before they would see freedom again, after having traded hands on multiple occasions. They'd picked up quite a few more skills during this time, and had every reason-- and means, through the entirely mysterious, untimely passing of their last captor-- to find somewhere to settle and live well. Still, like their mother, they never could stomach the thought of a stationary life. They took to the seas again, spending the next 31 years jumping from crew to crew as necessary, until restrictions simply became too insufferable for most.They, too, set their sights on new and different prizes, taking on a new name to fit the occasion.The siren song of travel ever calls to their blood, and there's so much more of the world to see than ocean views. Tethys is determined to see and experience it all. They've just recently begun their eighth year of adventuring, but who's counting? Certainly not them. More recently, they've also begun employment at the Mystical Raven as an entertainer.❧ ❝I cherish the road that brings us together once more.❞

OoC Info

Hello! My name is Freyjadour, or Frey for short. I'm 26 and I'm in the Central timezone (Server time -6 hours.) I've been playing FFXIV since 1.0. You can use any pronouns for me, though I do have a preference for they/them. Apologies in advance- sometimes I can be a little slow to reply!I'm willing to give out my Discord after we've roleplayed once or twice, and I do actually prefer to roleplay over Discord. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope things go wonderfully for you from here on out!